Central And Eastern European Security Cooperation Cluster

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The aim of the project is to establish the Central and Eastern European Security Cooperation Cluster - CENTREPEACE, based at the International Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, MU, in cooperation with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki (UoH). Overall, the research will contribute to unifying threat perceptions across regions in order to promote interregional security cooperation. The cluster will also explore whether and how countries in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe can effectively cooperate with third countries or international institutions, including NATO.

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Project information
Central And Eastern European Security Cooperation Cluster (CENTREPEACE)

Project Identification
Project Period
6/2024 - 5/2027
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
European Union
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Social Studies
Project Website
Cooperating Organization
University of Helsinki
Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

In the wake of Russian aggression to Ukraine, the position of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the security architecture of the EU has become essential. However, the voice of security research from the region is not well represented in security debates on the European and global level. The International Institute of Political Science of Masaryk University (IIPS) is perfectly positioned to address this disbalance, with its unique expertise of CEE in terms of area studies and outreach to policy sector. In recent years, the IIPS has achieved significant improvements in terms of publication output and ability to attract national funding. However, its academic and practical impact has yet to gain a significantly international dimension. By twinning with leading European research centres in security studies, we seek integrate the IIPS in international networks and increase its ability to obtain international grants, especially Horizon Europe (HE).

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